1. We were placed 2nd in the Best Kept Small Village Competition in the Shipston area in 2003. Since 1977 the village has had six annual awards and thanks are due to everyone in the village who do their bit to keep Barton looking smart and tidy.
2. There were Ordinary General Meetings which were held in April, October and January with the AGM following the April meeting. There were two Extraordinary general meetings held during the year.
3. Since April 2003 there have been five planning applications to consider and make representations about.
4. Mrs. C.A.M. Hayman-Joyce was co-opted and Mrs. Gillian Cathie was elected to councilors
5. Mrs. Linda Graham replaced Mrs.Hayman-Joyce as the Parish Clerk
6. Mr. J.G.M. Shipton was appointed as Interim Auditor in order for the Parish Council to comply with the Audit Commission Act 1998 and the Audit Regulations 1996.
Mr. D.F. Poulson kindly volunteered once again to fill the extremely important post of Treasurer of the Council. Once again I would like to congratulate them both publicly for the unqualified opinion on the accounts from the external auditor, Clement Keys, which we have now had for the second year running.
7. All Councilors once again signed the Code of Conduct as laid down by HMG
8. The Council renewed the grass-cutting contract with Mr. T. Hardiman of Moreton in Marsh.
Finally I would like to thank my fellow Councilors for all that they have done this past year. Particularly Lt Col Barney Henderson for his advice and strong support; Mr. David Poulson for his unstinting work as our Treasurer, Mr. John Shipton our internal auditor and Mrs. Linda Graham for her work as Parish Clerk.
JF Rickett
22nd April 2003