Present: Councillors Mr Rickett (Chairman), Mr Henderson (Vice Chairman),
Mrs Pelczynski, Mrs Cathie, Mrs Graham (Clerk) & County Councillor
Christopher Saint.
1) Apologies: Mr D Poulsom, Mrs L Hayman-Joyce
2) Minutes of the E.G.M held on 11th July 2003 were read approved and signed
(there were no matters arising)
3) Planning matters:
The Old Post Office: There followed a brief discussion on the plan. Mrs
Pelczynski voiced concern that the pond (which is clearly not shown on the
plan) should not be filled in. There was agreement on this. It was also decided
that the Parish Council would prefer stone to rendering. This would all be
passed on to the Planning Department.
4) The Accounts:
The statement of Accounts were read by Mr Henderson, all Councillors had
a copy of the statement. Mr Henderson also read out the second interim
statement of receipts and payments, which were explained, approved and
signed by the Chairman.
Mr Henderson explained on behalf of the Treasurer, the budget/precept for
2004/05, with estimates of expenditure. All approved.
5) Barton website:
Mrs Graham gave a brief talk on the Barton-on-the-Heath website, explaining
that by law, all Councils by the year 2005 must be on the WWW (World Wide
Web). The Barton Website has been adopted and pending the host & ironing out teething problems, the construction of the site by Mrs Graham will begin shortly.
6) Traffic:
There have been some concerns from residents of Camden Close about the speed of traffic on the Little Compton Road. Councillor Saint explained that the County Council budget would not stretch to provide speed ramps, as the Little Compton Lane was low priority.
It was decided that Mr Rickett and Mrs Graham, would attempt to monitor traffic speed and identify the worst offenders.
7) Village design Statement:
Mr Coker gave a brief talk on the village design statement. The Design document is underway and ready for printing and would be shown to Mrs Pelczynski prior to printing.
8) Any other business:
a) Mr Rickett told the meeting, that a resident had expressed concern about paying a contactor to cut the grass verges, not currently attended to by volunteers. It had been suggested, that volunteers should cut all verges or hand the task back to the council.
After discussion, it was agreed unanimously to continue to pay a contractor to do the work. It was also decided to continue to enter the Best Kept Village competition, as it was a chance to Spring-clean the village and enjoy a community spirit.
b) Mr Henderson asked permission to purchase a frame for the certificate
awarded to Barton for the Best Kept Village competition last year. This was agreed
c) Mr Henderson asked if the kerbing of Camden Close car park area could
Ahead. It was agreed that he would get the estimate of cost, and this would be discussed further at the next meeting. This also applied to an estimate for the new notice board in Camden Close.
d) Mr Henderson also mentioned that the safety barrier at the bus shelter had
become shabby and rusty. Mr Robert Graham agreed to paint it, and all agreed that the cost of materials be paid from funds.
e) There followed the signing of declaration of office as the previous one had
Been mislaid.
f) Mrs Graham confirmed she had ordered 100 empty sand bags, on the
Request of Mr Henderson.
g) Mrs Westbury voiced concern about the monument on the green, it was
decided that this should be discussed informally out of committee.
l) Councillor Saint told the meeting that electric blanket safety tests were
Available by the County Trading Standards and left some leaflets.
9) The next Ordinary General meeting will take place on 30th January 2004.
There being no other business the meeting closed shortly after 8 pm.