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30/01/2004 OGM Minutes





               Present: Councillors Brigadier Rickett (Chairman),

Mrs. Pelczynski, Mrs. Cathie, Mr. D Poulsom (Hon Treasurer) ,

Mrs. L. Hayman-Joyce, Mr. J. Shipton (Internal Auditor),

Members of the public: Mrs. Westbury.


1)                Apologies: Councillor Lt. Col. Henderson (Vice Chairman), Mrs L Graham (Clerk) County Councillor Christopher Saint


2)        Minutes of the O.G.M held on 10th October 2003 were read approved and



3)        Planning matters:

           The Parish Council has neither heard anything of the observations put forward

for the plans for the Old Post Office , nor about the results of the plans put

forward by Mrs Lockhart, (which have already been approved by the Council).

It was agreed that Lt. Col. Barney Henderson should contact the District

Planning Authority to ascertain the current position.


4)                Accounts for the period 11th October 2003 – 30th January 2004:

a)        These were passed unanimously. Proposed by Mrs Cathie, seconded by Mrs Hayman-Joyce.

b)        The Hon Treasurer and the Internal Auditor are to be congratulated on the Annual Return for 2002/03, as an ‘Unqualified Audit Opinion’ was given by our Auditors for this.


5)                Final agreement on level of Precept for 2004/05:

As the District Council has now contributed more than usual towards the grass cutting expenses, the Hon. Treasurer suggested the Precept Application provisionally agreed as £930 should be reduced by £640, thus providing a revised Precept Application for 2004/05 of £290. This was agreed and the Hon. Treasurer was instructed to write to the District Council accordingly. Proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Mrs Pelczynski.


6)      Village Design Statement:

This is still awaited; Mrs Pelczynski agreed to talk to Mr J Coker on progress.


      7)     Kerbing of Camden Close Car Park:

As there were several views on the subject, Mr. J Shipton agreed to carry out a study and report at the next meeting. Mrs. Cathie has kindly volunteered to produce some kerbing stones, if these indeed would solve the problem.




8)      Any other business:

a)    Mrs Cathie kindly agreed to ask Mr. R. Ward to talk to the builders, currently working on the house opposite Home Farm, to park their vehicles off the main road. It was felt generally that it was likely that an accident could happen if these vehicles continued to park so near the corner.

b)   It was agreed to purchase the following:

(1)   A new Parish Council Minutes book

(2)   A Salt bin for the village

9)      Date of the next meeting:

Thursday 22nd April 2004 at 7pm





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