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29/10/2004 OGM Minutes



HELD ON FRIDAY 29th October 2004 AT 7:00P.M.


Present:          Councillors: Brigadier Rickett (Chairman), Mrs. Cathie, Mrs. Hayman-Joyce, and Mrs. Peczynski, Mr. Poulsom (Hon Treasurer), Mr. Shipton (Internal Auditor), and Mrs. Graham (Clerk).


Members of the Public: Mr. Hayman-Joyce, Mrs. Henderson, Mr. Castle and Mr. Graham.


1.         Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting of 22 April 2004 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


            Matters Arising:

            a)         The newly purchased minute book and the salt bin were shown to the meeting.


b)                  Mrs. Graham said the planting of a cherry tree on the Little Compton Lane bank in memory of her son Samuel would be



Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 18 June 2004 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising:

a)         Mr. Poulsom reported that the external audit of Parish funds to 31 March 2004 had been given an “unqualified audit opinion” by the

auditors Clement Keys (ie without fault).


            b)         Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance. The Vice Chairman reported the Warwickshire County Council had been

                        informed the two landing sites were at G.R 252323 and G.R 254326 (P.C letter dated 1st July 2004).


            c)         The Vice-Chairman reported that nobody from the Council had volunteered to be a member of the Cotswold Conservation Board. He

                        would inform the board.


2.         Statement of Accounts 19 June – 29 October 2004


The Second Interim Statement of Receipts and Payments was presented by Mr. Poulsom, (copy attached). Councillor Henderson proposed and Councillor Pelczynski seconded the acceptance of this statement which was then agreed by the Council. Mr. Poulsom suggested that acceptance of the accounts by the Parish Council should be interpreted as confirming of any payments recorded therein provided they were in accordance with the detailed authorised budget. The Council and the Internal Auditor were in agreement with this proposal.


3.         Budget and Precept Application for 2005-2006


      Mr. Poulsom explained the recommendations within the Budget/Precept Application 2005-2006 (copy attached). Mr. Poulsom suggested a

precept of ₤250.00. Councillor Henderson agreed and proposed such a precept. Councillor Pelczynski seconded the proposal and the Council agreed nem con. The District Council would be informed accordingly.

Mr. Poulsom was thanked by the Chairman for all his excellent work for the council.


4.         Appointment of Hon Treasurer / Authority to Operate Bank Account

The Chairman said Mr. John Castle had accepted his invitation to fill the position of Hon Treasurer upon the resignation of Mr. Poulsom after 4½ years in the post.  Councillor Pelczynski proposed the appointment which was seconded by Councillor Cathie and agreed by the council nem con. It was further agreed that Mr. Castle would have authority to operate the bank account (Cheltenham and Gloucester p.l.c, Investment Account No K843116/0) signing jointly with the Vice-Chairman and that this authority would become effective upon completion of the appropriate formalities.


5.         Planning Matters

There were no planning matters to consider.


6.         Barton Website

Mrs. Cathie gave a brief update.


7.         Any other business


a)                     The Chairman had reported he and the Vice-Chairman had collected the award for the Best Kept Small Village in Shipston-On-Stour area in 2004. He would arrange for the certificate to be framed. Mrs. Graham agreed to show the certificate on the website.


b)                     Councillor Pelczynski said she had noticed from the W.C.C gritting map 2004-2005 that the road Barton to Kitebrook was not scheduled to be gritted this winter. The Vice-Chairman said he would speak to the Highways Division at W.C.C about this.


c)                    Mr. Shipton said the pavement on the Little Compton Lane was obstructed by overhanging foliage. The Chairman agreed to deal with this.


d)                     In the event of severe weather this winter the road Barton – Long Compton could block easily, Councillor Henderson said he would ask Mr. E Hicks if he would clear the road if it became blocked as he has done for the village in the past.


e)                     The Fountain on the Green.

            Councillor Henderson raised the subject and said the fountain (which was a memorial to R.W.M. Bird, eldest son of Major & Mrs. R.W. Bird of Barton House, who had died on 12 July 1874) had been presented to the Parish of Barton-on-the-Hearth by Major & Mrs. R.W.M. Bird. CouncillorHenderson said the engravings (see below) on the memorial had become very worn. He felt that steps should be taken to have the words professionally re-engraved before they became so worn as to be unreadable. The Council showed sympathy with this view. Councillor Henderson said it would be possible for the Council to pay for the professional re-engraving. Councillor Cathie said she had already approached a person to carry-out the re-engraving and that the Cathie family wished to pay for the re-engraving. The Council thanked the Cathie family for their offer.


f)                      The Chairman said he had received the annual renewal application from the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE). The Council agreed this should be paid – ₤25.00.


g)                     The Vice-Chairman said ₤390.00 had been spent on Parish verge cutting this year. He agreed to inform Stratford District Council of this expenditure.


h)                     The Vice-Chairman said the Highways Division W.C.C had been of the broken culvert on the Little Compton Lane. The work had still not been done (The culvert is at G.R 259324).


i)                      The Vice-Chairman asked if the Minutes of the Shipston Electoral Division Panel Meeting of 6 October 2004 had been received? The Clerk said they have not been received. (After Note they have now arrived).


j)                      Sand bags – the Clerk reported she had not received these (to be used in the event of any village flood). The Vice-Chairman agreed to look at this.


k)                     Camden Close Verge. Lorries were still inclined to run over the verge. To prevent this Mr. Hayman-Joyce suggested using large stone obstacles. He offered to enquire about availability and cost from a local source. Two or three pieces would be needed.



8.         Date of the Next Meeting and AGM:

This would be Friday 28 January 2005 at 7:00pm.


The meeting closed at 8:00pm.


Distribution of Minutes




Councillors:    Pelczynski





Hon Treasurer – Mr. David Poulsom

Hon Treasurer designate – Mr. John Shipton


Minute Book

County Councillor Saint

District Councillor Adams

Notice Board 1

Notice Board 2




Reference Minute 7 of above. The engravings on the Memorial Fountain on the Green read as follows:


First Engraving


“This fountain is presented to the Parish of Barton-On-The-Heath by Major & Mrs. R.W Bird in memory of their son R.W.M Bird who died on 12th July 1874. Loved in life he lives in loving memory when dead.”


Second Engraving


“And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely.”             Rev C22 V17

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