St Lawrence Church, Barton-on-the-Heath
Monday 10th March 2008 at 6.00pm
in The Old School (winter venue)
The Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting 2008
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Matters arising from the Minutes of the Annual PCC Meeting held on 23 Apr 2007.
(Please bring your copy of these with you if possible.)
3. Electoral Roll changes. | Mr. Brown
4. Chairman’s Report. | Rev. Smith
5. Financial Report for 2007
Mr. Brown
6 Churchwarden’s Report
Mr. Cathie
7. Deanery Report | Rev. Smith
8. Elections:
i. Churchwarden, ii. Deanery Synod Representative, iii. PCC Members
9. Any other business. | |
Parochial Church Council Meeting, 10th March 2008
1. Appointments:
i. Vice-Chairman
ii. Secretary
iii. Treasurer
2. Matters arising from the Minutes of the PCC Meeting held on 21 Nov 2007.
(Please bring your copy of these with you if possible.)
3. Report of PCC finances. | Mr. Brown
4. Quinquennial Inspection Report. | Mr. Cathie
Mr. Henderson
5. Church environment:
i. Heating ii. Carpet |
Mr. Shipton Mrs. Brown
6 Outreach service
Mr. Fisher
7. Any other business. |
8. Date of next meeting. | |
Prayers. |