1.Since the AGM held on the 1st June 2012 there have been Ordinary General Meetings held on the 1st June 2012, the 12th October 2012, the 22nd February 2013 and an Extraordinary General Meeting which was held on the 19th December 2012.
2.The annual Precept was set at £979.
3.The village finances remained satisfactory with a total of £982.37 in the savings account and with £107.46 in the current account.
4.A review of our insurance arrangements had been carried out by the Hon Treasurer and approved by the council’ which had resulted in some savings.
5.The road into Camden Close has at last been tarmaced by the Warwickshire Highways Division. 6.Planning proposals by Mr Henry Piney for an extension to Rectory Cottage were approved by the Council and work on this project has now begun. Planning proposals for the change of use of land from agricultural to mixed agricultural and equestrian use at Hopyard Farm were also approved by the Council. Finally Planning proposals for the replacement of an existing outbuilding with a new two storey ancillary outbuilding at Wheelbarrow Farm, together with the change of use of the barn from business to residential use at Hill Barn, were both approved by the Council.
7.Both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman attended a Planning Meeting of the Stratford District Council, in support of Mr Edward Hicks’ large project for moving the farm buildings at the entrance to the village, to an open site and replacing the present unsightly barns with two new houses. The proposals were approved unanimously.
8.A village clean up day was organised by the Vice Chairman on Saturday May the 11th.
9. I would like to place on record our thanks to the Honorary Treasurer and the Parish Clerk for the work they have done in the service of our Parish Council during the last year.
7th June 2013
J F Rickett
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