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06/03/2015 OGM MINUTES




Councillors: Brigadier J F Rickett (Chairman), Lt Col J B Henderson (Vice-Chairman), Mrs G Cathie, Mrs L Graham
Clerk: Mrs H Seymour-Smith
Hon. Treasurer: Mr J Castle

Mr J Shipton (Internal Auditor)
District Councillor S Gray
Public: Mr C Maynell, Mr R Graham, Mr Julian Mathias, Mrs Frances Mathias, Mrs M Pettifer, Mr J Coker, Mr A Wield, Mrs B Wield, Mr H Cathie

  1. Apologies: Councillor Hayman-Joyce
  2. The Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting on the 24th October 2014 were approved, and the Chairman signed them. Matters arising:
    1. The Hon. Treasurer reported that the arrangements for paying Mrs Hanks for cutting the churchyard grass had been completed. Mrs Hanks had been paid by cheque for 2014/15 and provision had been made in the budget for 2015/16 for payment in the next financial year.
    2. The Vice Chairman gave an update on the Parish Plan, which he had thought necessary and had volunteered to co-ordinate at the last meeting. He said that he had looked at the requirements of a Parish Plan, and concluded that Barton did not need one. He said he had then looked at the Village Design Statement, which he thought could be strengthened by an addendum, which he had written and had circulated to Councillors in advance of the meeting.

      Councillors were asked for their views. Councillor Graham thought the amendment would be valuable. Councillor Cathie said she did not think it necessary and would abstain from voting. In a brief exchange of views with members of the public present there was concern that the Village Design Statement had served its purpose since it was published in July 2003 and whilst there was good reason to revisit and revise it, an amendment was probably not the best way. The Chairman thought the amendment was a good idea. The Chairman then said the document should be put to the village for their views, and if a majority were in favour, it would be sent to Stratford on Avon District Council, for their approval, or otherwise.

  3. Report on Parish Funds. The Hon Treasurer reported that he had applied to Stratford District Council on 28 January 2015 for a precept of £1000 as had been agreed at the previous Parish Council meeting on 24 October 2014. He had then revised the budget for 2015/16 to take account of the extra expenditure on verge and churchyard grass cutting which the Council had required. This would result in a reduction in the end of year surplus in April 2016 available to transfer to the savings account from £340 to £197.

    He then presented the 3rd Interim Statement for the financial year in which the payment to Mrs Hanks of £150 was a new item. Otherwise the finances were in line with the budget and in good order.

  4. Any Other Business
    1. Mr Cathie was asked to give an update on the plans for Rose Cottage. He said he hoped that by the time of the next meeting, a proposal would have been accepted. He said no change was proposed to the frontage of the cottage, and that any development behind would not be visible.
    2. Mrs Seymour-Smith was asked for an update on the Sheds site, and she reported that it was still on the market.


c. The village clean-up date was set as the 25th April. The Vice-Chairman would allocate tasks to people.

  1. The Clerk reported that a revised date for the previously published Notice of Election had been given by Stratford on Avon District Council. The date of the new notice would be the 23rd March, and anybody wishing to stand for election would need to deliver their nomination papers to SDC between the 24th March and 4pm on the 9th April.
  2. Councillor Gray reported that Council Tax bills were going out, and that the District Council’s portion had been frozen for the 5th year, but that the police and County Council portions had increased.
  3. Councillor Gray also reported that the Stratford District Council verge mowing had been criticised, but that negotiations were underway to hopefully get nine cuts per year instead of five, at the same cost.

5. Date of next meeting:
Thursday 21st May 2015 at 7pm (OGM & AGM)

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